Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Ocean Zoning in RI ~ The First Offshore Wind Farm Set to Sail

In 2008, the Commercial Fisheries Center of RI newsletter dealt with, in startling detail and formality, the issue of an offshore windfarm and not only what that meant for the fishing industry in RI, but also for the much broader and controversial topic of ocean zoning. Did RI want to be the first in this, and would that necessarily mean the best as well?

With the advance of the wind farm project, the much deeper issue of ocean zoning got its first chance at debate in, appropriately enough, the Ocean State. The newsletter projected that by the year 2010, this year in fact, the coastal waters of the State would be mapped and zoned for uses beyond the fishing industry.

The wind farm was to be funded with $3.2 million from the "Renewable Energy Fund" belonging to RI, and reimbursed by the farm developer at a later date. Construction of the equipment that will be used to determine the exact location of the wind farm is only now being assembled for placement. The precise location of the future wind farm in the waters off the coast of North Kingstown has not been determined yet and will be subject to the readings on wind speed and direction gathered by this preliminary piece of equipment.

This RI Zoning and Ocean Zoning project will set the precedence for how other coastal communities will determine size, location and other critical factors in the placement of their own wind farms. Estimated projections for the East Coast alone are in the 50,000 turbine range with the advance and initiation of this technology.

Newport RI Real estate Lawyers handling real estate closings for commercial and residential conveyance and refinancing, Purchase and Sale negotiation and drafting, title issues, tax matters, and all complex zoning and real estate law issues. As Personal Injury Lawyers we also handle all matters of personal injuries. Contact our office at (401) 847-7500 or visit the website at Miller, Scott and Holbrook for more information.

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