Friday, January 14, 2011

Zoning in Shoreline and Undeveloped Areas Must Meet Resident's Needs First

In a state as small as Rhode Island, and with as much prized shoreline, boating and fishing areas, it is easy to see why many developers would love to get their hands on any piece of land at all and turn it into the next great getaway or resort for tourists.

And although RI does rely on tourist business to some degree, selling our shoreline properties and quiet hamlet areas to the highest bidder certainly seems like unfair zoning habits.

The first and most important aspect in determining zoning laws and rezoning areas is in keeping the needs of the community at the forefront of any kind of progress.

As an example, a situation in Glocester RI that has been ongoing is the sale of a building located in an area that already has several small business owners trying to expand and provide more jobs, economic stability and ecologically sound products and practices to the small community. Attempts to purchase the building for the purpose of expansion however, have been fought by the town solicitors and zoning committee who would like the building to be purchased by a large land developer who has the workings for a hotel or other tourist attraction in mind.

The property is not zoned as residential, and residents have been fighting to keep it that way or the developers will have their way and rezone it for residential to build whatever they want, regardless of the needs or desires of the people of Glocester.

The residents of Glocester live there because it is a protected, small, controlled community where they can be sure of their surroundings and their needs being met. Allowing big business to overtake their community would undermine the growth, stability and sense of community that is inherent in an area like this.

Zoning laws and ordinances, when used wisely and with the community's interests and well-being in mind, are a great way to establish order to thriving towns and their citizens. However, when that right is abused, zoning rules can become the very thing that ruins an entire community.

Newport RI Real estate Lawyers handling real estate closings for commercial and residential conveyance and refinancing, Purchase and Sale negotiation and drafting, title issues, tax matters, and all complex zoning and real estate law issues. As Personal Injury Lawyers we also handle all matters of personal injuries. Contact our office at (401) 847-7500 or visit the website at Miller, Scott and Holbrook for more information.

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